Legislation & Regulation

Since the Coalition's origin more than 27 years ago, we have pursued meaningful reform of the Endangered Species Act through legislation and regulatory reform. 2005 marked the first year we got passage of legislation out of the House of Representatives. House members representing Coalition member counties from both states, not only supported the legislation, but got substantive amendments adopted that were proposed and supported by the Coalition. The Coalition received special recognition and thanks from the House Resources Committee Chairman Richard Pombo for our efforts in support of the Endangered Species Recovery Act.

The Coalition worked with the Under Secretary of Interior for Fish and Wildlife to reform the process of designation of critical habitat. With the change of personnel both at the Secretary level and Under Secretary, we will have to renew those efforts. However, case law precedent in the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, established by the Coalition and litigation partners, has set a strong foundation and reasoning for the changes and we feel that the change will eventually come. These changes will create efficiency for the Fish and Wildlife Service and help them to better recognize the impacts being imposed on state, Tribal and local governments.

The Coalition participated in the proposed cap and trade of greenhouse gas regulation hearings in New Mexico. We submitted testimony and cross examined the witnesses of proponants.

National Environmental Policy Act Activities

For many years, but especially the last ten years, the Coalition has been actively engaged in increasing the recognition of state, Tribal and local governments in the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process. We have conducted five training presentations to counties, and assisted and advised many member counties on NEPA site-specific, and land planning documents.

The Coalition presented testimony to the House Resources Committee NEPA Task Force. Most of those recommendations were incorporated into the recently released recommendations from the task force. We again received special recognition and commendation from the NEPA Task Force Committee staff and the Chief Council of CEQ for our input.

We are in regular communication with the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), and have been successful in getting CEQ guidance written, to insure a place at the table for state, Tribal and local governments in the planning process, as joint lead or cooperating agencies in the NEPA process.

State and Federal Lobbying

The Coalition has contributed to drafting legislation in both Arizona and New Mexico on reform of the eminent domain laws. Due to the more restrictive and costly lobbying registration in Arizona, most of the state level work is done through Arizona board members. In New Mexico, the Coalition maintains an almost full time presence at the 30-day and 60-day sessions of the Legislature.

For eight years the Coalition was represented on New Mexico Governors Gary Johnson's and Bill Richardson's Blue Ribbon Water Task Force, that met monthly to formulate water policy recommendations to the Governor.

The Coalition sends representation to Washington, D.C., at least annually, to meet with other grassroots leadership and meet and lobby members of Congress and federal agencies.

The Coalition worked with West Won, a group of timber interest representatives from the western states. The West Won group was a primary advisor in developing the Healthy Forest Restoration Act campaign that we were successful in getting passed and signed by the president. The group also was active in the development of the campaign to get House passage of the previously mentioned Endangered Species Recovery Act. We are actively working on restoring the timber industry infrastructure in both Arizona and New Mexico.

The Coalition worked with Western Counties Alliance on drafting and getting R.S. 2477 legislation drafted, to enact into Federal law the 10th Circuit Court's 2005 decision. For 2019 we are working to have this legislation again introduced.

The Coalition has participated in the development of Forest and Watershed plans and policies in both states.

Assisting Counties and Members

During our 33 years, the Coalition has given countless major training sessions on land use planning, the NEPA, ESA, and Forest and BLM land use planning. In addition, the Coalition provides regular assistance to member counties, when requested, for ordinance drafting, land planning, federal and state agency actions, and lobbying efforts.